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Case Study - ReadySet



  ReadySet Technologies is a retail VR software company that provides 3D planograms for customers and market research for consumer goods. By using VR software, the company can provide a realistic experience and layout. This can create confusion amongst viewers and businesses who are interested. The confusion can create problems for ReadySet, so an open free demo event has been suggested to display the technology to businesses and consumers who are intrigued but have questions.




The approach aimed to create several ads to promote the conference through various collateral pieces. The three items that seemed appropriate were a informative brochure, an Instagram ad, and a small motion clip that could be used on platforms such as Facebook, and LinkedIn. Sticking with Readyset’s color scheme shades of purple were selected and seen throughout each piece. The Typography best suited for marketing the live demo event was a sans serif and, in this case, Futura was used. The brochure managed to utilize more information while the digital ads were meant to grab attention swiftly. One challenge that did arise was finding some graphics to add visuals without be overbearing. Vectors of people with VR goggles on seemed to be most appropriate and worked while with each layout. A clean, structured layout was the goal, and these three design pieces managed to succeed in promoting the live event to the target audience quickly, but not overwhelmingly in design.


Software Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects.

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